Business Services 4 U LLC is a full-service tax preparation, tax planning and tax resolution practice.
Business Services 4 U LLC • Heltid
Jun, 2012 - Present • 12 yrs 9 mos
I am the Tax Superhero with Business Services 4 U LLC. We are a full-service tax preparation, tax planning, and tax controversy resolution practice.
We also offer bookkeeping/recordkeeping, and payroll services, with an eye toward taking these functions off the small business owner's plate so that they can focus on getting clients/customers and growing their business.
Degree: Enrolled Agent Designation •  Jan, 2012 – May, 2012
I am a 2nd generation Tax Accountant. While my friends were getting jobs at fast food places like McDonalds, my dad taught me how to post cash receipts and cash disbursements into a ledger book, and then promptly got me a job (at age 16) doing what he taught me for one of his clients, whose business was across the street from my high school. I worked there for about a year, but then the owner had to close the business unexpectedly, and I found myself overqualified to ask if "you want fries with that".
After college, I had a small side hustle preparing tax returns for friends. Fast forward from 1979 to about 2005, after 4 different non-tax/non-accounting careers, I landed back in the accounting space, which ultimately led to where I am today.
I love the world of taxation and helping people stand up to the IRS (where appropriate). I love helping people keep more money in their pockets.
Phone/Fax/Text: 561-376-2564